by jarbel | Jun 20, 2022 | Furnishing, News, Sustainable Consumption
Out of the ten million tons of furniture that is thrown away in the EU every year, 80-90% is burned or put on landfills. A new study examines the role of marketing in preventing this. The need to extend the lifetime of home furnishings and reduce the number of new...
by jarbel | Jun 1, 2022 | Food, News, Sustainable Consumption
If the Swedish population switched 50% of all red meat and charcuterie to vegetables and legumes we could we could gain 540 000 life years over a period of 20 years. That is equal to half a million people living one year longer than they otherwise would have. After...
by jarbel | May 31, 2022 | Sustainable Consumption
A new report presents 62 enablers, that might stimulate a more sustainable consumption. It contains everything from demanding repairable products, introducing flight rights to taxing unsustainable food. Even though it takes more than individuals who do well informed...
by jarbel | May 23, 2022 | News, Sustainable Consumption
The new report “Unlocking a Better Future” lays the scientific foundation for the conference Stockholm+50. And researchers at Mistra ustainable Consumption have written a bakground paper for it. In 1972 UN arranged an environmental conference in Stockholm...
by jarbel | May 11, 2022 | Film English, Food, Furnishing, News, Sustainable Consumption, Travel
Sweden may become the first country in the world to have a consumption-based climate target. This would include emissions both in Sweden and abroad that are caused by Swedish consumption. But what kind of consumption is compatible with climate commitments? What will...
by jarbel | Apr 24, 2022 | Film English, Sustainable Consumption
“Libraries of Things – and other Models for Sustainable Home Furnishing” Read more about the seminar here. Sweden’s largest research program on sustainable consumption presented its results during a three-day train tour around the country. From April 25-27,...