Common Questions About Sustainable Consumption – and Researcher’s Answers

1. What are Consumption-Based Emissions?

1. What are Consumption-Based Emissions?

A country’s consumption-based emissions are the emissions caused by the consumption of its residents, regardless of where in the world these emissions occur. This also includes emissions from the production of the goods consumed. This concept can be contrasted with a...

2. Will We Be Able to Eat Meat in the Future?

2. Will We Be Able to Eat Meat in the Future?

The short answer is, “Probably, but much less than today.” Many studies have aimed to estimate what consumption in line with climate goals (as well as other sustainability targets) might look like. They commonly suggest a significant reduction in meat consumption,...

3. How Can the Concept of “Sustainable Consumption” Be Defined?

3. How Can the Concept of “Sustainable Consumption” Be Defined?

The concept of “sustainable consumption” can be used and interpreted in various ways depending on the perspective. One starting point is to consider consumption that meets today’s needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs,...

6. What is a Sustainable Vacation?

6. What is a Sustainable Vacation?

There are many criteria for what can be considered a sustainable vacation, such as being mindful of the local environment and supporting local employment. However, the most debated aspect is likely that the vacation should not cause significant climate impact. About...

7. How Much Can One Fly with a Clear Climate Conscience?

7. How Much Can One Fly with a Clear Climate Conscience?

There is no definitive answer to this question, as it depends on factors such as whether and when airlines transition to more sustainable fuels. Our research [17] (in Swedish) suggests that halving global air travel could align with the two-degree climate goal,...

9. Is Sustainable Consumption Also Fair?

9. Is Sustainable Consumption Also Fair?

Consumption that is sustainable in terms of resources and emissions is not automatically fair, but research can help reveal injustices. For instance, that a small portion of the population is responsible for a large share of the emissions. One way to approach this is...

10. What Will We Consume in the Future?

10. What Will We Consume in the Future?

What we will consume in the future is uncertain; it depends on factors such as how society is organized and governed, the availability and distribution of resources, which technologies that will be developed, and the extent of climate change. This uncertainty makes it...

11. What Is Meant by Sufficiency?

11. What Is Meant by Sufficiency?

A sufficiency perspective on sustainable consumption means recognizing that it’s not enough to simply consume more ecologically produced or energy-efficient products. For consumption to be long-term sustainable and more equitably distributed, the consumption of...

12. Is It Possible to Eat Both Climate-Smart and Healthy? How?

12. Is It Possible to Eat Both Climate-Smart and Healthy? How?

Absolutely! A notable seminal article from 2019 describes a universal diet that is both healthy for humans and sustainable for the planet. However, the diet needs to be adapted to the conditions and specific needs of each country.  In a study three different dietary...

18. What Are Rebound Effects?

18. What Are Rebound Effects?

Rebound effects, sometimes called indirect or second order effects, are the unintended consequences that can arise when sustainability measures lead to changes in environmental impact, often due to altered costs. Rebound effects can include direct economic rebound,...

19. Does It Make a Difference if I Change My Behavior?

19. Does It Make a Difference if I Change My Behavior?

It's often said that "small changes can lead to big results." However, this isn't quite true—small changes generally lead to small results. There are solid reasons to believe that an individual's behavior change alone does not lead to meaningful outcomes. This is...

20. No One Else Cares, So Why Should I?

20. No One Else Cares, So Why Should I?

A lot of people do care, but feel powerless or  limited in their ability to act. This sense of resignation is common when we focus on what we can do primarily as individual consumers. Research (for example, The High Price of Materialism [40], see a summary video [41])...

23. What is required for a policy to be effective?

23. What is required for a policy to be effective?

When a policy or measure is described as “effective,” it can sometimes mean that it achieves the desired goal. However, it can also refer to “cost-effectiveness,” meaning that a certain goal—such as a reduction in emissions—is reached at the lowest possible cost. In...



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