Photos from ‘Händelserna som förändrade klimatet’ PHOTO: UR/Faktabruket

The TV series ‘The Events that Changed the Climate’ (“Händelserna som förändrade klimatet”) recently premiered on SVT. This historical documentary series features, among others, our researchers Karin Bradley and Jörgen Larsson.

It is a three-part series produced by UR. It explores the decisions and events that have led to today’s climate crisis. In the second episode, ‘The Boom Years Accelerate,’ (Rekordåren accelererar) Karin Bradley, a researcher at KTH, discusses the history of consumption. In the third episode, ‘Emissions Go Global,’ (Utsläppen globaliseras) Jörgen Larsson, a researcher at Chalmers and deputy program director for Mistra Sustainable Consumption, participates.

Watch the full series on UR Play.