Ett slakteri där kor hänger längs väggarna och två slaktare vandrar mellan dem.

Lowering VAT on Food Could Increase Acceptance of a Meat Tax

Despite the climate and health benefits of taxing red and processed meat, such a tax lacks widespread support among the public and policymakers. However, a new study shows that acceptance increases when the tax is offset by lowering VAT on other food items. Red and...
Många människor ovanifrån, lite suddiga

Responsibility Beyond the Individual – A Summary of Four Years of Research

From efficiency to sufficiency: a new article summarizes the results from the first four years of Mistra Sustainable Consumption. The research program Mistra Sustainable Consumption is now in its eighth year. A recent article summarizes the findings from the program’s...

Mistra SC at COP29: How can we reduce consumption-based emissions in the Nordic countries?

PHOTO: Göran Finnveden participating via video link during the climate summit in Baku. Common Nordic rules for the production of goods, a focus on emissions in public procurement, and fewer opportunities for tax deductions on business travel by car – these are some of...
Illustration av en kvinna som målar och en annan som sitter på en hög med guldtackor

Citizen or Consumer? How Our Values Drive Sustainability

PHOTO: Tetiana Lazunova & Dzmitry Baranau, Mostphotos Values are our fundamental beliefs about what is important and right. To tackle the ecological crisis, a shift in values is needed, according to several researchers from KTH and others. Hanna Eggestrand...
“They Didn’t Want to Stop Playing”

“They Didn’t Want to Stop Playing”

BILD: Andrea Linerstad, kulturarvspedagog och Maria Nelenius, lärare. Del av spelet till höger. "The Game of Consumption" was developed by researchers at KTH and Linköping University for Mistra Sustainable Consumption. But now, a museum educator and a middle school...



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