Ett slakteri där kor hänger längs väggarna och två slaktare vandrar mellan dem.

Lowering VAT on Food Could Increase Acceptance of a Meat Tax

Despite the climate and health benefits of taxing red and processed meat, such a tax lacks widespread support among the public and policymakers. However, a new study shows that acceptance increases when the tax is offset by lowering VAT on other food items. Red and...
Många människor ovanifrån, lite suddiga

Responsibility Beyond the Individual – A Summary of Four Years of Research

From efficiency to sufficiency: a new article summarizes the results from the first four years of Mistra Sustainable Consumption. The research program Mistra Sustainable Consumption is now in its eighth year. A recent article summarizes the findings from the program’s...

Mistra SC at COP29: How can we reduce consumption-based emissions in the Nordic countries?

PHOTO: Göran Finnveden participating via video link during the climate summit in Baku. Common Nordic rules for the production of goods, a focus on emissions in public procurement, and fewer opportunities for tax deductions on business travel by car – these are some of...
Illustration av en kvinna som målar och en annan som sitter på en hög med guldtackor

Citizen or Consumer? How Our Values Drive Sustainability

PHOTO: Tetiana Lazunova & Dzmitry Baranau, Mostphotos Values are our fundamental beliefs about what is important and right. To tackle the ecological crisis, a shift in values is needed, according to several researchers from KTH and others. Hanna Eggestrand...



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